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Spread awareness by posting pictures and videos of the beautiful ocean in Henoko.

Oura Bay 3/30/19.jpg


Post pictures and videos of the Henoko ocean to show the beauty of Oura Bay.

Spread awareness of the destruction of this beautiful place. (~5 minutes)


Find pictures from this website or elsewhere of the water, coral reef, shells, and animals of Oura Bay. Save these pictures. 

  • Click HERE for photos from Flickr, or HERE to see my Instagram feed.

  • Post any pictures/videos on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.). Explain what's happening to this beautiful ocean.

Call on others to spread these pictures. Use the hashtag #riseforhenoko when posting so people around the world can see this sacred ocean.

View of blue-green ocean in Oura Bay, Henoko, Okinawa.

Add the #RiseForHenoko profile picture frame on Facebook.

Show your solidarity with others. (~3 minutes)

  • Step 1:​ Go to this link and sign in.

  • Step 2: Select "Change Picture." Choose your picture to post or repost as your profile. Select "Add a frame."

  • Step 3: Select the "#RiseforHenoko" frame from the menu or search for the frame.

  • Step 4: Click "Use as Profile Picture." Choose how long you want to keep this your banner. Save.


Share the link to uploading the profile banner on your social media for others to upload.

Please follow and spread posts from this Instagram account for more photos of Henoko.

You can also go to the Photos page for a Flickr photostream. Thank you!

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