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Henoko 3/25/19.jpg


Write to teachers about curriculum on Henoko.

Ask them to bring this into the classroom. (~15 minutes)


  • Send a message, an email or a letter to teachers you know.

  • Tell them about Henoko and Oura Bay. Ask them to teach about the ecosystem and the Uchinanchu people's fight to protect the ocean. 

Let teachers know that curriculum on Henoko will be available on Zinn Education Project website.

Elders and activists standing at the shoreline of Awa, Okinawa.
Educators at a workshop learning about Henoko and action steps within a classroom.

TEACHERS: Please share ideas/stories of how you teach about Henoko from elementary through high school.

Learn with others in the teaching community. (~15 minutes)

  • Share ideas, photos, and stories of your teaching on Henoko.

  • Feel free to write to other teachers on the need to teach about Henoko while sharing curriculum ideas.


See letter example to teachers (below) by Cory Bettinger, teacher in Spain via Portland, Oregon.

Letter example from Cory - part 1
Letter example from Cory - part 2
Letter example from Cory - part 3
Letter example from Cory - part 4
Letter example from Cory - part 6
Letter example from Cory - part 5
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