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Urge them to help protect the rights of the Uchinānchu people of Okinawa.

Henoko 8/2/19.jpg


 Environmental Rights 

Protesters holding signs on the shoreline of Oura Bay, Henoko, Okinawa.

Tag the UN and UNESCO on social media posts.

Learn about the dugong's threatened species status. (~5 minutes)


  • Click HERE to go to the "Red List of Threatened Species" by the IUCN. Post and share the link.​​

Tag the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) on your post. Tag "#riseforhenoko" when posting to spread messages.

Background: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the dugong as critically endangered species whose natural habitat is the Oura Bay.

Tag the UN/UNESCO on posts about lawsuits by environmental groups.

Learn about this case against the Department of Defense. (~5 minutes)


  • Click HERE to go to the letter by the Center for Biological Diversity and more than a dozen American conservation and animal protection groups to the House Armed Services Committee.

  • Post and share the link. ​

  • Tag the UNEP and UNESCO. Also tag "#riseforhenoko" when posting to spread messages.

Letter example from the Center for Biological Diversity.
Banner of Okinawan dugong at sit-in protest site in Henoko, Okinawa.

Write and/or email the UNEP and UNESCO.

Advocate for the protection of the dugong habitat. (~10 minutes)


  • Send an email/letter to UNEP and UNESCO calling on international attention to Henoko.

  • Include the entire letter by the Center for Biological Diversity and the American conversation and animal protection groups.

  • Ask them to actively monitor and intervene in the environmental destruction of Oura Bay.  

 Human Rights 

An elder standing on the shoreline near a US military base fence at Oura Bay.

Tag the UN Human Rights Council calling for the need of UN protection.

Call for the need of UN protection. (~5 minutes)


  • Click HERE for the the article by about local activists in their fight for human rights and self determination after the February referendum. Post and share the link.

  • Add a message in support of protecting Okinawan people's human rights in upholding the democratic process of the 2/24/2019 referendum opposing the new base in Henoko and ending the burden of U.S. military base occupation of Okinawan people's land.  


Tag the UN Human Rights Council and use "#riseforhenoko" when spreading.

Contact the UN Human Rights Council.

Advocate for UN protection. (~15 minutes)


  • Send an email/letter to the UN Human Rights Council supporting the demands for human rights protection.


Ask them to actively monitor and intervene in the human rights violations against Okinawan people.




Mail to:

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

A person holding the sign "Stop Illegal Work" at a protest in Awa, Okinawa.

Indigenous People's Rights

Tag the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on social media posts.

Advocate for the need of UN protection. (~5 minutes)

  • Click HERE to go to the statement by Professor Masaki Tomochi of Okinawa International University on Okinawan people's indigenous status.

Post and share the link. Tag the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Add a message in support of protecting Okinawan people's indigenous rights in self-determination, maintaining land and culture, and environmental protection of native land and sea.

Elders and activists walking with signs and blocking trucks at the entrance of Ryukyu Cement in Awa, Okinawa.
Thousands standing and holding hands in the air at a protest against Henoko's desecration in Naha, Okinawa.

Contact the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Write or send an email advocating for UN protection. (~15 minutes)


  • Send an email/letter to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues supporting the demands for indigenous rights protection.


Ask them to actively monitor and intervene in the indigenous rights violations against Okinawan/Uchinānchu people.




Mail to:

Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch/Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (IPDB/SPFII)
Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
United Nations Secretariat, room S-2555 (25th floor)
405 E 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017

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