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Urge them to cover what's happening in Henoko locally and nationally.

Camp Schwab 8/2/18.jpg


Thousands holding signs in protest of the Henoko base construction in Naha, Okinawa.

Tag news sources onto posts about Henoko. ​

Bring attention to the reporters. (~10 minutes)

Post 1 or more of these articles/videos on Henoko and the Okinawan people's fight to protect the ocean:


Tag your local news stations and newspapers. Tag national news stations and newspapers.​​​ See the list below for emails and contact forms of national news sources. Post and share with "#riseforhenoko" to spread with others.

Send a personalized email and/or Letter to the Editor.

Share with local and national news stations. (~15 minutes)

  • Create and submit your email.

  • See the list below for contact forms and emails of national news and newspapers.

  • Post and share your letter with "#riseforhenoko" to spread with others.

Letter to the Editor example by Bill Bigelow.

Example of Letter to the Editor by Bill Bigelow of Portland, Oregon.

List of possible News sources to contact:

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