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Urge them to help protect the environment of the Henoko and Oura Bay region.



Submit and share your support online for the environmental lawsuit against the Department of Defense. 

Share the campaign with others. (~5 minutes)

  • Click HERE see Center for Biological Diversity's online letter-writing campaign. Use the pre-filled option or personalize your message. 

  • Share widely with your community and network.


Background: The Center for Biological Diversity along with other environmental groups, environmental lawyers and Okinawan community members have sued the Department of Defense.

Both the U.S. Marine Mammals Commission and the World Conservation Union have confirmed that the base is a serious threat to the dugongs, which are entitled to protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Click HERE for the brief filed in 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on 1/8/2019. 

Pamphlet on Henoko's biodiversity via Nago City Office - part 1
Pamphlet on Henoko's biodiversity via Nago City Office - part 2
An excavator picking up soil to dump into the ocean of Oura Bay, Henoko, Okinawa.

Post information on the environmental impact of the base in Henoko.

Tag environmental organizations. (~10 minutes)

  • Click HERE to post flyers from the Nago City Office of the Henoko region. 

  • Click HERE to post the "Red List of Threatened Species" by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) that lists the dugong as a critically endangered species. 

  • Click HERE to post the video from Greenpeace on the dugong habitat. 


Tag local, national and international environmental organizations and ask them to join the fight to protect Oura Bay. See bottom of the page for possible list of environmental and climate justice organizations. 

Pictures via Public Relations and Liaison Division Planning Department, Nago City Office

Write a personal email to environmental organizations.

Ask them to join the fight to protect Henoko. (~15 minutes)

  • Write and submit your letter.

  • See below for a possible list of environmental and climate justice organizations.

  • Post and share your letter with others using the tag "#riseforhenoko." 

An Okinawan elder leaning against the military fence blocking access to the remainder of the shoreline at Oura Bay, Henoko.

List of possible Organizations to contact:

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