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Tell your Representatives to demand the stopping of U.S. base construction in Henoko.

Camp Schwab 3/24/19.jpg


Screenshot of letter campaign from Friends of Earth.

Submit online letters to Congressional Representatives of your area.

Urge them to take your demands to stop the base construction in Henoko to the larger Congress. (~5 minutes)

  • Click HERE to go to Friends of the Earth's letter-writing campaign. Use the pre-filled option or personalize messages. 

  • Share widely with your community and network. 

Write a personalized letter to your Congressional Representatives.

Create your own message for your elected officials. (~15 minutes)

  • Click HERE to find your House Representatives by zip code.

  • Click HERE to find your Senate Representatives by state.

Letter example from Jan.

Example letter from Jan Gillespie of Portland, Oregon

Aerial view of Oura Bay's blue-green ocean and current desecration of Henoko.

Asahi Shimbun, March 2020

Post and share your personalized letter to your friends, family, and community.

Spread the word on what's happening with your own circle. (~5 minutes)

  • Post and share your letter with others on social media.

  • Tag #riseforhenoko on your posts to share messages of solidarity.​

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